2024 PointsFinal pointsCongratulations
1. Addisyn AikenDaddy's Money 99150
2.Nathan MayoPickle Style 24120
3.Hunter KostLil Kost 9096
Kelton Roland#3040
Stock Appearing
1 .Elizabeth / Vergil
Patriot 14138
Leyton RolandYellow Cub 660
Motorcycle 600-1100cc
1. Danny PropstBad & Ugly 1136
2. Kevin WilkinsonBad habit 8100
3. Frank FrazierFearless x485 3687
4. Lisa WilkinsonMoney pit 778
5.Danny WillisLongbranch Bandit II 5561
6. Seth WhisenantCasper 2724
7.Chris BivensOL Red
Bone Stock
1. Addisyn AikensDaddy's Money 99131
2. Kathy BrothertonKicken Chicken 11128
3. Nathan MayoPickle Style 24105
4. Hunter KostLil Kost 9079
5. Elizabeth LingerfeldtMiss Kitty 1053
6. Vergil LingerfeldtLil Bandit 4038
7. Kelton RolandRed Devil 3024
16 HP Pro Tire
1. Kathy BrothertonFlash 33150
2. Jeremy Mullinslive wire 4592
3.Leyton RolandGrape Ape 2924
V-8 Mini Rods
1. Danny PropstWasted Money 1138
2.Frank FrazierTha Rat 3116
3.Randy FreezeThe Hustler II 1648
4. Kevin WilkinsonBad Attitude 8844
Limited V Twin 1050
Stock Altered
1. Randy FreezeAbout Time 86138
2.Jeremy MullinsLil LuLu 2278
3. Richard RolandBlue Cub 3154
Open Stock
1. Jeremy MullinsJohnson Motorsports 0030

Points System

1st place:  15 points
2nd place:  12 points
3rd place:  10 points
4th place:  9 points
5th place:  8 points
6th place:  7 points
7th place:  6 points
8th place:  5 points
9th place:  4 points
10th place:  3 points
11th place:  2 points
12th place:  1 point
Any place after 12th will get 1 point.

Points are awarded to the tractor.  You are allowed to have a relief driver.

1.To get points for event tractor must hook to sled and make pull attempt.              Tractor will be scored where it finished according to the tractor count in that class. Tractor or tractors that break during a round will be scored according to where they finish according to tractor count in that round. Tractors that break 1ST round and do not get refund on hook fee for 2nd round will get last place points on the points scale witch is one point. The reason for this is if there is only three tractors in a class the third place tractor could just say they are broke and get 10 points and not hook to the sled.Not fair to the other two competitors.

Only members will get points and non members will not influence the points.  Example:  Member A finishes 1st, Non member finishes 2nd and Member B finishes 3rd.  Points will be awarded as follows Member A gets 15 points, Non member gets 0 points and Member B gets 12 points.If you get a refund on your hook fee you will not receive any points.